Today as I was glimpsing through my timehop, i realized… It’s been a year. A year of ramblings from me that aren’t always cohesive. I have attempted to remain intentional and there are definitely notable gaps where it was more difficult for me. I do want to take time and note some lessons I’ve learned along the way.
I’m still searching for my blog voice. Some blog about spiritual insight, lifestyle, or foods. Some, like my husband, blog about nerddom and gaming. I am still exploring my personal niche, but I hope you’ll stay with me.
This is a H U G E commitment! I thought “oh sure, I’ll just write for an hour or two a week and my blog will be done!” but it’s so much more than that.
Probably my biggest personal revelation, blogging requires a certain level of organization. If you’ve been around me long at all, organization is not my forte but I am working on it.
I am finding, though, that through blogging, I am relying heavily on God to be my source. Without him, I’d have run out of things to talk about a long time ago. For those who’ve stuck with me, thank you! For those who are just learning about this little corner of the boisterous web, welcome.
We’re all a little mad here, but I welcome your crazy in with an open heart.
In Him, Karen