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Oh Peter…

I realized yesterday in church, Jesus must’ve said, “oh, Peter…” a lot. Not like the frustrated, “are you even seeing yourself now?” kind of way, but the gentle, “really?” kind of way. Like when you have a friend who doesn’t quite get it, kind of way.

I think I’m a lot like Peter.

Peter cut off an ear because they were going to take his best friend. He was loyal to a fault and prone to violence. He wanted to stick up for his friend, but kinda made it worse. Jesus fixed it, kinda. I mean, he put the ear back on the soldier, and didn’t scold the soldier for doing his job, but he did, in a way scold Peter. I do that too. I act before I think through the consequences of my actions. But Jesus still loved Peter.

And then later, during that story, Peter denied knowing Christ. He was scared, I’m sure. I’d love to know what he was thinking when this all occurred. I’d love to know what I’d be thinking when this all happened. Peter, oh, Peter.

One day, Peter was working on his boat because he caught fish for a living. His family was a family of fishermen. But this particular trip wasn’t fruitful. No fish. At all. I can imagine how that must have felt. There are days that I’m doing my job and I don’t see the fruit (or fish) of my labor, but Jesus told him, “Try the other side.” And he couldn’t pull all the fish in! I can imagine Peter was probably thinking. “Ok, I’ve been fishing all night (day? whatever) and haven’t caught a thing, and I’m pretty sure I tried this side earlier, but I’ll do it again to prove it to you. this water is FISHED OUT!” and then when he cannot pull all the fish in, the nets were on the cusp of breaking and his boat so weighed down it almost sank? “WHO ARE YOU!?” that would be me. But Jesus says, “I will make you fishers of men. follow me.” YES LORD! I’M COMING!

Jesus also asked Peter THREE TIMES “Do you love me? Like, unconditionally, follow me wherever, supernaturally love?” and Peter responded, “Why yes, Jesus, dude. I love you like a brother.” (Not the same thing, PETER!) “Then feed my sheep.” “uh… Jesus, I’m not a shepherd.” (that’d be my response, probably.) And then Jesus talked about death. I mean, I’d love to have walked in His inner circle, but if I had foreshadowing of death every time He asked me a question, I’d probably be like “Jesus… I love you, man, but you’re obsessed with this whole death thing. You’re alive here, RIGHT NOW! mmmk?”

I am so Peter.

Peter messed up SO HARD so many times. I mean, cutting the soldier’s ear off, denying he knew Christ? I’m not sure he didn’t doubt a little bit when asked to essentially try again. But he also JUMPED OUT OF THE BOAT when he saw Jesus walking on the water. It wasn’t until he remembered the storm raging around him that he started to sink. Keep your eyes on Jesus, Karen. He preached to three thousand gathered for the feast of Pentecost (which is super cool, by the way, but I’ll save that for another day, like maybe next spring…) and got the church started with growing. Was he perfect? oh, HECK no. he and Paul kinda duked it out a couple of times, although I’m not sure I blame him. I’d be all like, “Paul, man, I walked and talked with Jesus, and all you got was a supernatural meeting on the road to Damascus that blinded you. I think I win! I mean, he did say ‘You’re Peter! and on this rock I’ll build my church’… And I totally told him I’ll take care of his sheep… whatever that means. I’m no shepherd.”

Peter probably had some sass, but he worked hard. He is one of the disciples almost everyone has heard of. He’s a goof, he’s kinda dense, but man, he is passionate.

I may be like him. A lot.

I kinda wish I could meet him. I think he’s now on the short list of “If you could have dinner with anyone past or present” list. He’s near the top. why? Because… I am a lot like him.

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